Cloud Based Calendar and Appointment ManagementManage your online appointments in the Cloud and schedule upcoming meetingsWith our unique Cloud Based Calendar and Appointment Management System, making appointments and keeping everyone on track has never been easier! We have developed a calandar system that is truley unique in keeping everyone on the same page. With color coated appointments and meeting tabs, you can now view your entire week, month, day and even year on the fly and know exactly what is coming up. The calendar and appointment management allows multiple user accounts as well as every detail neccassary. On the main view of the Clooud Based Calendar there is an upcoming appointment feed, notifying you of what meetings or call backs you have that day or week. The following details can be associated with our Cloud Based Calendar System- Client/Prospect Details
- Company
- Address
- Phone
- Email
- Title
- Notes
- Private Notes
- Add to Calendar
- Start
- End
- Action Type
- Send Reminder (Email/ Text Reminders)